How to Play Snowball Tag

Views : 697
Update time : 2020-06-08 09:07:09
This is a crafty and joy manner ought play your conventional dodgeball athletics during the winter. Here is how ought play snowball tag.


1) cause your "ammo" snow. lay the quantity of snowballs per about that each team gets, if it's 2, 8, or infinite. You can too read the preference of having teams cause snowballs still playing.

2) superb teams of two. It can exist a mix-match of kids and adults, adults and adults, or kids and kids.

3) read the teams "link" together. They cause ought exist together at total epoch of the rounds - holding hands, running almost at a piggyback method way, hugging each other, etc.

4) "Tag" another team with the snowballs ought win them eliminated. at the same, teams cause ought cause away being hit themselves.

5) affect ought the next about when everyone is out of snowballs. The teams that were untouched (didn't win hit) proceed on. The final untouched team wins the game. if the rules comprehend infinite snowballs, "rounds" don't utilize because this.
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